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A Look Back: 2023 in Review

Peacock Voices Logo with a blue party hat

Happy New Year!

We want to take a moment to reflect on some of the exciting opportunities we experienced at Peacock Voices this year.

Kicking off with a Kickoff

Our 2023 began with a trip to the West Coast, where we were guest speakers at Verana Health’s Sales Kickoff in San Francisco. During this in-depth workshop with sales and customer support teams, we discussed persuasive communication and some of the best ways to bring our authentic voices into the workplace.

We heard some exciting changes in voices! Folks shared ways they intend to use their new skills, such as changing from sounding passionate to knowledgeable at different points in their sales pitches. This is such an important skill to leverage in client calls!

This initial workshop was one of 10 exciting workshops we presented this year in Chicagoland and beyond. Thanks to all who joined us for these workshops - we always love getting the chance to share our work and offer tips and tricks for finding your authentic voice.

Additionally, our team has begun a partnership with the Jusoor program. This program provides opportunities for Syrian refugees. We’re thrilled to be coaching some of their educators and employees.

A Year of Writing

We hope you’ve been enjoying our blog posts! One of our more popular ones this year was Hired!...Job interviews, which offered tips and tricks for how to successfully present your voice in your next big interview.

If you’ve got topics you’d like to see us cover on our blog, or in a workshop, we’d love to hear from you!

This spring we launched our monthly newsletter! Sign up here to get monthly updates, hear client successes, and learn where you can catch us next.

Thinking and Reflecting

Internally, we began to implement “Think Days.” We come together as a team, turn off notifications, and connect. We focus on big-picture ideas, reflection, and planning. (Thank you to Sahil Bloom’s LinkedIn Post for the inspiration!)

Relationships and Connections

We’ve been hard at work spreading the word about Peacock Voices. We attended dozens of events this year, and both took part in Chicago Innovation's Women’s Mentorship Program. A big Thank You to our wonderful mentors and the Chicago Innovation team for organizing and fostering a positive and collaborative experience.

Happy Clients

It’s been wonderful to hear from so many clients about how their work finding and harnessing their authentic voice has led to positive change at work.

One such win came from Megan Castellon, Pastry Chef/Founder, Siren Spreads. Megan notes:

“When I began working with Margaret and Peacock Voices, my goals were to gain confidence to speak publicly, to master control over my voice, to convey messages with impact, and to hone my articulation skills for clear and effective communication. I was pleasantly surprised by the program's emphasis on developing control over the nuances of my voice, enabling me to discern and manipulate various vocal qualities. Additionally, I was impressed by my newfound ability to discern distinctions in the vocalizations of my peers, which enhanced my overall learning experience. 

I now feel more self-assured when speaking in front of others, whether it's in professional settings, social gatherings, or even during everyday conversations. This boost in confidence has made a noticeable difference in how I present myself and interact with people, leading to more meaningful connections and opportunities in both my personal and professional life.”

We can’t wait to have more wins like these in 2024!  

Looking Ahead...

We are excited to continue our work with our clients. We will be adding online courses to our portfolio, so stay tuned for that! We’ve got a few workshops already on the books for 2024, where we’ll help teams refine how they communicate together, and with their clients. 

There are still a few slots available to begin your work with Peacock Voices in early 2024, so be in touch if you’d like to schedule time with us. 

Last but most certainly not least, Margaret is writing a book! This book is about our work at Peacock Voices and how you can find and choose your own voice. 

We wish you a wonderful and safe end of the year! See you in 2024!


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