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Let Your Voice Work for You

Our mission is to create equity through the human voice. We are Voice Coaches giving leaders the skills, confidence, and control to find, use, and own their authentic voice.

We coach and train leaders and teams to utilize specific vocal techniques through exercises focused on sound and presentation, which translates to better team communication, better retention and YOU getting the success and efficacy you deserve. 

Unlock The Power of Your Voice

Unlock The Power of Your Voice

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Listen to Peacock Voices CoFounder and CEO, Margaret Izard Oskoui discuss how to Unlock the Power of Your Voice on HushLoudly

“Career altering”

Founder and CEO Elizabeth Apelles, The GTO Group

"They tailored each session to my specific needs and prioritized helping me develop my voice and vocal skills in ways that felt authentic and effective”
Laura Geringer, Creative & Experience Strategist and Founder, Cocreate Higher Education Consulting

"The real transformation came in my self-knowledge, confidence and appreciation for my voice as an instrument.”
Founder and CEO Elizabeth M Rohr, Real World NP

Find your authentic speaking voice and learn how you can use your voice as an asset in any situation.

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